Make smarter business decisions with Lookout Analytics

Explore your business data effortlessly with Lookout Analytics' collection of intelligent dashboards.

Book a call today!

See the performance of your business clearly.
Empower the big decisions that matter!

See what's growing or declining.
Know if you're meeting your quality indicators.
Decide what you need to optimise or attention.

View dashboards within Lookout to help you understand where your business is at in terms of clients, workers, finance, revenue, and operations.

Key dashboards include: 

Client overview

Client service delivery

Care worker overview

Cancellations metrics

More dashboards added regularly

Each dashboard includes a collection of tables, charts and metrics that help you quickly make sense of your key business data.

With Lookout Analytics, provide the performance clarity your key decision-makers need to steer the business towards success!

Book your free Analytics discovery call today!

The flexibility to make sense of key data!

Gain all information you need, in the way you want it, to truly understand your business performance.

Filter dashboards over any time period.

Hover over data points to obtain the granular information you need.

View the records that compose chart, table and metrics data with a simple click.

Click and drag an area of a chart to zoom in on data important to you.

Download tables, charts and collection information you need, in the format you need it in. 

Experiment with creating your own dashboard with Lookout Analytic’s sandbox, and save to your own collection. 

Security and accessibility controls you can trust.

Keep your business performance data safe and secure.

Data is hosted securely and locally by The Lookout Way in Australia.

Purchase as many access licences as required for your business.

For each access licence, easily assign who can and can’t view each dashboard in settings.

Full dashboards cannot be shared to other users without access permissions. 

Make sense of your business data and empower better decision-making today!