Unlock thousands of integration and automation opportunities with Lookout's fully integrated automation middleware, Lookout Automations powered by Workato. Workato's iPaaS platform seamlessly bridges Lookout's API with various integration systems, helping your organisation achieve ultimate interoperability.
Lookout's robust and high-quality Workato connector is unparalleled for its ease of use, making DIY automations accessible even to those with minimal technical knowledge. Leverage and integrate-with an extensive library of connectors from other top platforms - all directly from within Lookout.
Setting up automations and integrations is now possible for those with minimal technical expertise. Simply choose the apps you want to connect and be guided by specific triggers and actions to create your custom workflow or simply choose from a library of used and trusted workflows called 'recipes'.
Automate routine communications, such as visit reminders, care updates, and follow-up messages, to improve client engagement and satisfaction.
Integrate disparate systems and applications to ensure smooth data flow and consistency across platforms, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to automatically match invoices with purchase orders, reducing manual labour efforts and ensuring accuracy in financial transactions.
Automate the generation and distribution of invoices by integrating with financial systems to ensure accurate and timely billing.
Streamline the intake process by automatically collecting and organising client information from various sources, reducing manual data entry and speeding up onboarding.
Join a community of delighted users who find Lookout a breeze to use! Tuned to your path, we’re at the ready to make strides with you.
Get in touch today“It is really nice to see efficiency improvements, no more waiting for endless data to load slowly.”