Product Announcement

How to improve support outcomes with
self-reported assessments

Dave Herse

Head of product at The Lookout Way

Ensuring that information is passed to the right person at the right time in a community care setting is challenging. It's even more challenging to know what information to pay attention to. What's normal for one person could be out of the ordinary for the next. And these days, we can collect so much data, it's hard to know what needs attention.

We want to help care teams to provide the best possible support to people in the community. Our goal is to help care teams be informed and control emerging risks. They should be able to measure progress towards a care recipients personal goals. We want care teams to be reassured that care recipients are getting value from the support they receive.

Knowing when to take action.

The Lookout software has had survey capabilities for a while now. We call them surveys, but really, they're a library of self-reported assessments, or experience and outcome measures. It's a way to hear from the customer and learn about their health, wellbeing, and satisfaction with their support.

As we watched care teams using the survey feature, we noticed that the surveys do a great job of collecting crucial information, but it was tough to know when to pay attention. We want to create an experience where care teams feel confident and in control of concerns while not feeling overwhelmed with information.

Adding observation alerting preferences to surveys.

With the new survey monitoring feature, care teams can now be alerted about concerning survey responses. When a survey is added to a customership, the survey template comes with pre-defined boundaries. If an answer is outside of the bounds, then an observation is raised to alert care teams – so they can investigate and respond as needed.

Survey Library

Managing a survey observation.

Great support is often about understanding today's events within the context of a person's history. When a survey observation is triggered, it appears on the individual's observation timeline along with any past observations and investigations.

Survey Observations
Survey Observations

When investigating a survey observation, the system now shows which survey answers triggered the observation. This allows care teams to understand the context of the alert.

Observation Investigation
Observation Investigation

Reviewing trends over time.

Understanding how a person's health and wellbeing changes overtime gives care teams more context on how to best support an individual. This is even more important for people in the care team that might be new or unfamiliar with the customers history. With survey monitoring, it's now possible to see a high-level visualisation of a survey's response history and drill into the detail of each response.

Customers Lookout Dashboard
Customers Lookout Dashboard
Multiple-choice responses over time
Multiple-choice responses over time
Scale responses over time
Scale responses over time

Individualising baselines.

Since everyone is different, it makes sense to be able to personalise the observation preferences. Care teams can customise survey observation preference based on what is known about an individual and how they might be changing over time.

Observation Preferences

Accessible surveys for easy response.

The surveys are designed to be easy to access and respond. Text is clear and easy to read and tap areas are large. Surveys can be accessed on a desktop computer, tablet, or Smartphone. Users don't need to have activated their accounts before answering a survey. To ensure the surveys responses and user accounts are secure, the survey email acts as an activation email for users without an account.

Surveys can be accessed on smartphones, tablet and desktop
Surveys can be accessed on smartphones, tablet and desktop

For certain situations where an individual can't access the survey themselves, care teams can assign an authorised representative to acts as a proxy and support the person receiving care to respond.

The right information to the right person at the right time.

When the right person has the right information at the right time, it can make a dramatic difference to a care recipients life. The more we know about someone's goals, health, and wellbeing, the more we can ensure that the services provided is right for that individual. We can be encouraged that the support they receive delivers value and helps them to live happy and healthy in the home and community they love.

Survey monitoring is just one more step on our journey to create software that enables care teams and families to be in control and provide the support and care individuals need. As we build and learn, we will continue to grow capabilities in both monitoring and predictive alerting to ensure that individuals are getting the value they desire from the support they get in the home.